18 December 2012

2012 Yoga Classes Attended

2012 Yoga Classes Attended

Gillian Gee – Hatha - Friends Meeting House, Chesterfield – 7.45 – 9.15pm
Carolyn Clarke – Hatha – Yoga Centre, Babworth – 7.45 – 9.15pm
Jodie Jeacock – Ashtanga – Kickers Dance Studio, Chesterfield – 7.30 – 9.00pm

Rebecca Wraith – Hatha –  Healthy Living Centre, Staveley - 3.00 – 4.30pm
Helen Neale – Hatha – Brampton Manor – Tuesday/ S
Wendy Snonjata – Sun Power – Escape Yoga, Matlock, 6.00 – 7.30pm
Koreen Clements – Hot Yoga – Mill House Cottage, Calver – 8.15 – 9.45pm

Gillian Gee – Wednesday – 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th
Jodie Jeacock – Thursday – 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th
Jodie Jeacock – Saturday – 7th
Helen Neale – Saturday  - 14th

Gillian Gee – Wednesday – 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th
Jodie Jeacock – Thursday  - 23rd
Rebecca Wraith – Sunday – 12th, 19th

Gillian Gee – Wednesday – 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th
Jodie Jeacock – Thursday  - 1st, 29th
Koreen Clements – Saturday - 10th Monday 26th 

Koreen Clements – Monday – 2nd
Helen Neale  - Tuesday 3rd
Gillian Gee – Wednesday – 18th, 25th 
Rebecca Wraith – Sunday 29th

Gillian Gee – Wednesday – 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th
Carolyn Clarke – Thursday  - 17th, 24th, 31st

Carolyn Clarke – Monday – 11th, 18th, 25th
Gillian Gee – Wednesday – 13th, 27th
Jodie Jeacock – Thursday  - 7th, 14th, 28th

Carolyn Clarke – Monday – 2nd, 9th, 16th
Gillian Gee – Wednesday – 4th, 11th, 18th,
Jodie Jeacock – Thursday – 5th, 12th, 19th
Wendy Snogjati – Monday – 30th

Dominic Batton – Tuesday – 7th
Jodie Jeacock – Thursday  - 16th 23rd

Gillian Gee – Wednesday – 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th
Jodie Jeacock – Thursday  - 13th, 27th

Gillian Gee – Wednesday – 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th, 31st

Gillian Gee – Wednesday – 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th  

Gillian Gee – Wednesday – 5th, 12th

BWY Diploma in Teaching Yoga Record of yoga workshops or events attended - 2012

BWY Diploma in Teaching Yoga
Record of yoga workshops or events attended - 2012

Name of tutor
Title and brief details of content Signature of tutor where possible














23 - 27

31/08/12 01/09/12 02/09/12








































Glebe, Crich

Yoga Centre, Babworth

Calow Community Centre

Yoga Centre, Babworth

Nottingham Yoga Festival

Calow Community Centre

Escape Yoga

BWY EM Festival

Escape Yoga

Calow Community Centre

Radbrook, CC, Shrewsbury

Calow Community Centre


Glebe, Crich

Yoga Centre, Babworth

The Yoga Space, Leeds

Bramcote Memorial Hall

Papplewick Village Hall

Calow Community Centre

Calow Community Centre

Beeley Village Hall

Calow Community Centre

Calow Community Centre


Calow Community Centre


Alwalton Hall

Calow Community Centre

Howard Crosthwaite

Andrea Kwiatkowski

Lynn Neller

Lesley Dike

Monique Fryer
Paul Kleesmaa

Anna Semlyen

Wendy Snongjati

Vanessa Gerrard

Wendy Snongjati

Jodie Jeacock

David Sye

Gillian Gee

Peter Blackaby

Andrea Kwiatkowski

Carolyn Clarke

Matthew Sweeney

Peter Hersnack

Andrea Kwaitkowski

Michelle Helstrip

Jonathan Monks

Sharon Price

Monique Fryer

Sharon Price

Andrea Kwiatowski

Rachel Armstrong

Sharon Price

Andrea Kwiatowski

Jodie Jeacock
Sanskrit pronunciation & Vedic chanting - IST

Jivamukti Method – The Guru as the Mirror

Opening Anahata Chakra

Anatomy of Balance

Vinyasa Flow

Yoga for Healthy Backs - IST

Dragon Dance

Dance to Surya

Lateral Line

Ashtanga Primary Series Introduction

Fun is the easy road to advanced postures

Quieter Practice

Intelligent Yoga

Jivamukti Method – The

Teachers Week

Chandra Krama, Jumping through & back, Backbending & Mula Bandha, Simha krama, Inversions & beyond

The dialogue between dynamic & static postures

Themes in a yoga class - IST

A fresh perspective - a Dru Yoga day


Flow of Yoga

Dive into Vinyasa Flow

Finding your Foundation


Light Heart on Yoga



Primary Series

Noah and the Whale, "Give a Little Love"

3 November 2012

27th October we worked with Lesley Dike.. i love my Anatomy & she kept me totaly engaged from start to end... I also start Physio with her on Nov 15th on my hip, its still no better despite the wisdom of Peter Blackaby.. sadly

We spent a day with Durga Devi the Jivamukti advanced teacher from NY i loved how she took us straight off into a really long balasana followed by a face down tadasana... the way each teacher we meet has different ideas & notions just facinates me, & though they can't all be right, I have taken from each of them my own perspective on these yoga poses, I do believe you shouldn't teach a posture if you don't know why you are teaching it, going through the motions when a yoga teacher just seems so wrong to me, we took a Sequencing IST in Lincoln & I found it really quite frustrating working with other Yoga teachers who don't seem to know what they are doing, are they just out of their own comfort zone at these things, even the vinyasa teachers seemed to not have much of a clue & the practices were just awful... I am very aware that I am really no better but I am a first year student yoga teacher & i'm keeping that excuse!!! I do find myself quite astounded by a few Yoga teachers i meet

I have decided I will step down as County Rep next year, hopefully after the David Sye day, though I do have my 3 other days that will take me to June if no one else steps forward, & i'm not booking anymore, I want to do Foundation 2 with AK, I know I want to do it, its just the logistics of doing it, its nearly 2 hours there 6 hours study & 2 hours back once a month, 10 sessions

1 October 2012

I booked Michelle Helstrip to do us a day on the Dru Yoga system & she was such a lovely teacher, the practice itself probably isn’t for me but it was just one of those days that just made me so happy & glad I’m County Rep

Yesterday was a different matter, Jonathan Monks came to do a day, it was arranged by the 3rd years who have just finished TT, today I just feel tired & emotionally imbalanced, we worked on a wonderful technique about connection & mine is light, no matter who I worked with it was just naturally there but really light, I don’t have the ability to just be/let go with a person no matter who, as I worked with Phillipa who I love dearly, my connection with her was the same & I appear to hang on even though its light, its really odd, I can’t just let go of the anxiety I carry all the time, I know its there but I just don’t know how to make it better, which leaves me today not in a good place being the over thinker I am, that & taking offence to Jonathan Monks, its odd how certain people don’t ease you, I found him really hectic/excitable as a teacher, he was late to arrive, said ‘fuck’ several times & although he was very knowledgeable, his way just wasn't for me

24 September 2012

Peter Hersnack, now I’m not a fan of Vinyoga & these 2 days were really quite frustrating in that we really didn’t do much except listen to Peter talk a lot about space, maybe in 20 years I will appreciate a weekend like this


Themes in a class IST, 22/9/12 a really great 2 hour twisting practice & I bought this lovely little book after, the week after that day I felt really quite mobile in the hips, I’m still struggling with this right side sacro/hip joint 

I taught my first ever Yoga practice on the 23rd, a short breathing practice & relaxation in TT, I really don’t cope so well with the anxiety & although when I listen back to this its actually quite good, when I was delivering it, it felt just awful,  I felt happy for days after that, I asked Col to record it for me for future reference

7 September 2012

Matthew Sweeney Workshops 31st August - 2nd Sept

we decided to spend 14.5 hours over 3 days with Matthew Sweeney at the Yoga space in Leeds, the first workshop was his Chandra Sequence, this & his 2nd Sequence - The Lion, were my favourite 2 sessions of the 5, I was so tired by Sunday, i really need to work on some stamina, i'd be no good in mysore for a week ^^

These 2 photographs were taken by the Yoga Space 

CamYoga – if you like the smell of sweat this is the place to find it, & you certainly leave some of your own behind!! Jivamukti master class.. 25/8/12

1 August 2012

The Yoga Temple 
Matthew Sweeney

Ride the Breath
Ashtanga & Vinyasa Krama
Kathy Hallen & Fran Slavich

Yoga Anatomy
I finally decided to subscribe to this, yoga30 gives you 30% off for a years suscription


Out of the many many teachers I have worked with, there are only a few who during a workshop I have really gained some insight about myself, light bulb moments let call them...

I first experienced Jivamukti with Andrea Kwaikowski at a BWY AGM, she had a wonderful yet disciplined presence & a real sense of what a really good Yoga teacher should be, I really wasn't strong back then & I pushed myself too hard that day, I remember it well, & it stayed with me untill I got to work with her again, there are very few teachers who remember you let alone notice how you progress over the 6 months/year until you work with them again, I have no idea how Andrea manages this when her life is Yoga whether its as Advancd Jivamukti or BWY DCT, she must see hundreds if not thousands of students each year, what I love about Andrea is the way she makes you think about life on or off the mat & I always look forward to working with her again.

David Sye.. before I went to spend a day with David, I had some reservations having been told by a fair few 'older teachers' lets call them... that I wouldn't like him or his way of teaching, this is something I really don't like in Yoga, all teachers offer something different & just because one person doesn't like what another teaches doesn't mean someone else won't. We actually arrived first at Radbrook & were greated & hugged by David & I immediately felt at ease, he was the most honest & warm person i'm yet to meet in Yoga, his teaching was full of lightheartedness & laughter, working together & reaching our child within, & that we all live in a constant 'fear' on some level with most things in our lives, simple & comlex, we worked on a mirror imagination meditation & I could only see the mirror now at its worst not in 3 years time if I choose negativity, I realised after that day I am in a pretty good place, putting Gambit to sleep, Bailey going to Uni, ending more friendships at the begining of the year, putting my brother into a different box a little further away from me, realising I can actually be a Yoga teacher, for the first time I see people use Yoga as a tool to help them in whatever they need, the same way someone would mountain bike or climb mountains, I will never know enough but what I have learnt over the last 4 years from many many different/diverse teachers is enough for me to now work with my own interpretation of what Yoga is & means to me & how I can share that with others

Peter Blackaby, one Yoga teacher that turned my world off.... I always said I would never pay more than £35 for a workshop, Peter Blackaby was £45, he is due to come to Jasmine Trust this September but it falls on Teacher Training so I wouldn't get a chance to work with him, call it luck but he was at Bamford with Les Dike on 15th July & we got in very last minute, I had no idea really who this man was, he is an Osteopath & Grounded Yoga Teacher, humanist rather than spiritual & straight away he picked up on my movements & began to explain about tension, using me as a perfect example, I physically could not keep my left leg soft & rock on to my pelvis using just my right foot, neither can I abduct my leg without my left side pelvis coming off the floor, simply because I hold tension in my right lower back/pelvis/hip, now whether he is right & this comes from childhood, or as Andrea has previously given me thought on, the right side is male/father.... 16 years ago I damaged my right side, Peter made sense that no one should be injured for more that 4 weeks as the body heals itself.....who knows, i'm more inclined to take the view that I hold tension to protect myself from my ongoing injuries on that side, which is probably why I continue to injure myself, the day after I really picked up on how I stand/walk/yoga/exist holding a slight tension, like a slight muscle hold, releasing it I can even breathe better into my abdomen, & I have to say from that day to this I don't feel like I run 10k everyday or need the SAD lamp to wake me up in a morning, I no longer sleep as long, my blood pressure seems to have climbed to 108/60, my last really low readings were back in May 85/55 80/50, thats when I stupidly detoxed totally forgetting I need caffiene & salt to keep it higher, not very clever.

Even with so much positivity coming from seeing Peter Blackaby, I do wonder if I am grasping at yet another concept & in a few months time nothing will have changed, I wanted to write about this so I can look back & see if I was living in placebo, hoping/willing this to be what finally gives me some peace...

17 May 2012

Simon Low's version, in which he rolls into one Paul and Suzie Grilley's Warrior & Dragon Dance + Golden Seed sequences

15 May 2012

Flying Dragon

we have a workshop learning this (with adaptations) next weekend 

Taken from Wendy's Blog...
The Dragon Dance is fusion of Indian and Taoist yoga.  The sequence was created by Paul and Suzie Grilley, well-known American yoga teachers.  In the many years that I have been practising yoga, I don't believe I have come across a sequence more beautiful than this one. The Dragon Dance is graceful and strong, grounding and uplifting, and fun and challenging. The story it tells is also fascinating and based on Buddha's teaching of the four aims of life: desire for sensory pleasures (Kama); desire for material success such as job promotion (Artha); personal duty or role in society (Dharma); and liberation from all three (Moksha).  

In the 1st act, we meet the Hero who is out looking for a dragon to slay.  The Hero symbolises Kama or the desire for pleasures, and Artha, the desire for material success and gain.  He is the "I WANT". The Dragon is seen turning to look at the Hero in the 2nd act warning him that "Big Brother is watching you".  The Dragon is the "THOU SHALT" and it has on each of its scales the rules and laws of the society.  In the 3rd act, the Dragon raises its wings as if to say "I will not take this lying down", and in the 4th, it dives back down keeping a close eye on the Hero.  The Dragon swings its tail and attacks the Hero, intending to put him back in his place in the society, in the 5th act.  The Hero dives under the belly of the beast to avoid the attack.  Now what?  Will "I WANT" kill "THOU SHALT"?  That's the dance of life.  How much of your personal desires do you need to give up to keep your family happy? How much of my life can I spend being a good son/daughter, parent, student, teacher, preacher, boss, subordinate, etc., without completely losing my sense of self?  Do I choose to please me and ignore the duty that everyone expects of me, or do I fulfill my Dharma and forsake life's pleasures?

The Buddha taught that there is one other option - Moksha, liberation from  or transcending above all three other aims of life: Kama, Artha and Dharma.  By being freed from these three, the Buddha didn't mean we didn't have to do our duty or we shouldn't have desires.  We can want to eat chocolate but don't let the desire for chocolate dictate your life.  If you haven't got it at home but you have money and time, then go ahead and buy it.  If you have no money, don't rob someone so you can buy chocolate!  Your duty to society, living within the limits of the law, is far more important than your desire for chocolate.  If, however, your new boss decides he doesn't want you to go on holiday even though your previous boss had already agreed to the dates, don't get angry and cancel the holiday.  Have a chat and work out what can be done to satisfy both your needs and your duty.  That's the 7th act of our dance - the Hero spirals around the Dragon, climbs on top, and they both fly off together - yoking the "I WANT" with the "THOU SHALT" and soaring above them.

This dance of life is complicated.  Life is all about balance, and balance is not about staying still.  Balance is about constantly moving.  To find balance, we need to keep on dancing into balance.  A bit of me time, a  bit of serving other.  A bit of pleasure, a bit of work.  The Dragon Dance keeps us moving and turning.  Performing the Dragon Dance challenges our flexibility and our ability to maintain our balance.  Just like performing the dance of life.
(The information above is based on my understanding of Bernie Clark's article on the Dragon Dance on www.yinsight.com)

7 May 2012

Sunday 6th May was the Nottingham Yoga Festival, we had planned our day, Monique Fryers Vinyasa Workshop was really great, I could do with a Vinyasa teacher here, next we had Ashtanga wih Paul Kleeemaa, after this 2nd workshop, the Yin workshop upstairs had started, we decided to come back & attend our Sunday late afternoon class with Becky as it was her last class, she is moving to Devon, we started Yoga properly when she arrived back in April 2008, she brought in some stones, candles & colour cards just little parting gifts for us, i would always usually go for red/black/purple, though i was drawn to the light blue stone & the green candle, throat & heart & I cried a little, she has been such a large part of our yoga journey, she's been a great teacher, she is a wonderful person, i wish her well as we both move on 

We had our april committee meeting up at Ulverscroft where Lindsey has organised this years Yoga festival, couldn't walk around the grounds as the rain just didn't stop

We were allowed to have a facebook page for BWY - East Midlands Region
updated by Lindsey & myself - here BWYEastMidlandsRegion

loving this retro BWY mat with original logo, its up at Jasmine Trust, we had our first aid training on saturday, wasn't quite as daunting as i had feared
 this was my first time writing in th EM-pori-OM as County Rep, nothing exciting i'm afraid 

Col built us a sun house to do yoga in at home, its not quite finished but we are using it now

We bought a humidifier, heaters & downloaded the Bikram yoga cd, far cheaper than £20 every Monday & the diesel to get over to Calver

Back in early March I bought a rather large Shiva 
& true to his representation, the destroyer, we broke down on the M1, though instead of seeing the negative side I embraced the moment, well all 30 of them waiting for the breakdown truck.. 'keeping motoways karma' yet inciting 'rubber necking'

We had an anatomy day up at Jasmine Trust with Lesley Dike 1st April, really interesting look at the feet