11 January 2011

So... this is where i take yoga really seriously .. huh.. what i do isn't enough, though i think 3 years at least twice a week is 'quite' seriously.. sunday was a very long day & we were told to keep a personal development journal..

so heres the yoga bit... i already kind of knew i have over developed calves & under developed quads & a weak belt around my lower back/stomach thats not to say i'm not strong, i am but only in my legs, i'm in imbalance, i'm not strong in my upper as i don't lift weights & my quads are weak as i don't power squat/lunge or even walk up many steps, i barely ride my bike, weather obviously & aside from hound walking miles on end & yoga i need to balance it with something else... weights/lunges/squats/abdominals but i really dont want to cause my body any stress so i intend to be sensible...  thats hard for me... thats aside sunday's morning session was basic postures but totally broken down, i do now feel my strength is coming from my calves & not my quads, the seated poses i found interesting & i've never actually sat on a rolled up blanket, makes all the difference in the world, my right hip doesn't like me to sit in one seated position for long & its not that i don't have the flexibility to get into the positions, i can do half lotus very comfortbaly, Vajrasana is where you sit on your heels, Sukhansana simple crossed leg, Siddhasana (acomplished pose) is something i've never sat in before, the cat (Marjaryasana) leading with the crown is also something i've not done before.. i always thought Tadasana/Samasthiti was the same Mountain Pose/ Equal Standing but i do see how it could cause confusion in a class, it is the same but your heels touch & you feel ready to move in Samasthiti.. i really need to start reading my books..

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