6 December 2010

yoga... well the snow cancelled the two events for Sat 27th & then the 4th, we've missed 2 sundays & a wednesday, not quite sure if the pilates i did has made me pull my rectus fem & the adductors or walking in the snow for miles, probably both, so still house confined till tomorrow probably, i don't know how i manage to damage myself on such levels, though i do tend to agree my hams are far far more powerful than my quads so creates muscle imbalance

21 October 2010

i could do with one of those little snoopy icons that does a little dance.... Lauren.. What is Prana? i best get my books out, we got confirmation of acceptance for the Foundation Course, its funny as years ago when i started the Excercise Diploma all i wanted to do was be a Yoga teacher & i remember being with Angie up at Brampton Manor & her telling me it would cost thousands, she wasn't wrong but i never thought i'd actually do it, well we'll see by next October i guess if we go onto year 2, at least this block is just under £500 each, i love the way Gillian teachers, her anatomic knowledge is by far the best i've come across in a yoga teacher, already in 2 lessons she's corrected my positions a few times & made so much sense especially with the turning of the pelvis in bends............. during last nights yoga a burst of California Dreaming with piano came from upstairs, i could not help but giggle, there is one woman up there, i have created my image for her, she is so loud & she has a filthy laugh, it sounds like they chase her round the room or something... 

10 October 2010

he new yoga class is interesting, Gillian is so calm, it makes such a wonderful change, in the room above us it has Quakers, i think i need to go take a look at that
.. i could never subscribe to the priciple of Jivamukti as i could never be Vegan, i have huge respect for Vegans, if i could subscribe to the food of the Vegan & still eat good quality animal, then that would work 
i did enjoy the Jivamukti as its Vinyasa and pretty intense though i'm not so into the chanting & the afternoon sessions of meditating & restorative would have been so much better if i'd taken a bolster, i have since bought us some, we have applied to take the Foundation Training in Yoga with British Wheel & have also subscribed to a few more full day/half day workshops for saturdays & some sundays but after Christmas if we get on the course 1 sunday out of 4 for 6 hours we will spend with Gillian along with our new Wednesday night class with her

Becky has returned to teaching, i'm yet to see her, so very sadly she lost her baby, we were to leave the Healthy Living Centre this month too as we lost our 2 new teachers Lisa & Katy in the last few weeks so the only teacher left was Rach... so we are still contemplating this one now

29 September 2010

interestingly a new BWY Foundation course has been listed to start in Jan 2011 with Gillian Gee at Chesterfield, we'll meet her at Congress this weekend no doubt... its ten sundays, one a month ^^

my hip hasn't been right in a while but today despite 3 days in a row of yoga classes & some massage manipulation its feeling ok

16 August 2010

....why 'congress' when its British Wheel... we have American Yoga, so i don't get why we have annual AGM & Congress

These were taken off the old iPhone, i b+w them in iPhoto as they are terrible quality ... its interesting that my nearest & dearest decided to take up yoga with me & is really rather quite good at it... its great to have that competition as we are both stronger in certain postures.. though this often means i push my self too far & end up with a recuring injury.. the right shoulder or right groin.. right now its the groin.. just the thought of advanced yoga with Mr Adamo in a few weeks makes me wince ^^

Prasarita Padottanasana

25 July 2010

Becky is also leaving us, this makes me sad she has been my teacher for over 2 years, she has taught me more than any other yoga teacher, so who we will get on a monday class who knows....

18 April 2010

Om bhur bhuvah svah .... tat savitur varenyam...
Bhargo devasya dhimahi ..... dhiyo yo nah prachodayat

8 April 2010

hmmm, we worshiped the egg at Yoga, highly amusing to say the least, though i did really like the Tibetan singing bowl

18 March 2010

we had a very silly yoga med tuesday about apples & banana's, no i am neither a first rate apple or second rate banana for i am a third rate orange.... obviously

2 February 2010

27 January 2010

on Saturday we trundled over to Lincoln for 'Bones for Life' - an intelligent educational movement program, based on the Feldenkrais Method... it works with the nervous system, movements are complex electrical patterns in the mind.. we were taught by Adam Ward (County Coordinator & pioneer trainer for the UK) nothing at all to do with Yoga but a really interesting way to look at skeletal/nerve impact

Bones For Life

several hours after returning home it was interesting to find my hip pain was pretty much non existant, this is rare, i am convinced working with the nervous system, having an injury could improve it. We were taught wave & axis.. wave is reffered to as female as the move is graceful, axis male solid stiff movement. self generated vibration is used to improve bone tissue & enhanceweight bearing posture (bouncing on the heels - pom pom - outbreath

1 January 2010

yug.... join together (yoke or to unite)

state of union between two opposites - body and mind; individual and universal consciousness; a process of uniting the opposing forces in the body and mind in order to achieve supreme awareness and enlightenment.