27 January 2010

on Saturday we trundled over to Lincoln for 'Bones for Life' - an intelligent educational movement program, based on the Feldenkrais Method... it works with the nervous system, movements are complex electrical patterns in the mind.. we were taught by Adam Ward (County Coordinator & pioneer trainer for the UK) nothing at all to do with Yoga but a really interesting way to look at skeletal/nerve impact

Bones For Life

several hours after returning home it was interesting to find my hip pain was pretty much non existant, this is rare, i am convinced working with the nervous system, having an injury could improve it. We were taught wave & axis.. wave is reffered to as female as the move is graceful, axis male solid stiff movement. self generated vibration is used to improve bone tissue & enhanceweight bearing posture (bouncing on the heels - pom pom - outbreath

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