11 July 2013


4.4 The emergent mind fields springs forth from the individuality of I-ness (asmita).
(nirmana chittani asmita matrat)
  • nirmana = produced, created, constructed, forming, arising, emerging
  • chitta = minds, fields of consciousness
  • asmita = I-ness
  • matra = alone, individuality
Mind springs forth from I-ness: The mind springs forth from the extremely fine sense of individuality or asmita. It is I-ness itself, that is yet free from attractions, aversions, and fears.

Individuality and emerging identity: Recall that there are five colorings or kleshas, and that these emerge sequentially. First is avidya, or ignorance, and then comes I-ness, individuality or asmita. Then after there is an individuality, it starts to take on, or wrap itself in all sorts of attractions and aversions. Finally, once all of this false identity has been assumed, there is the fear of the loss of those identities. In such a way, the mind emerges out of the subtler form. The advanced yogi has mastery even over this process of mind emerging out of the root I-ness or asmita.

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