29 July 2013


5 days, 22 classes... much cake... fantastic company.. a handful of many photographs

11 July 2013


4.4 The emergent mind fields springs forth from the individuality of I-ness (asmita).
(nirmana chittani asmita matrat)
  • nirmana = produced, created, constructed, forming, arising, emerging
  • chitta = minds, fields of consciousness
  • asmita = I-ness
  • matra = alone, individuality
Mind springs forth from I-ness: The mind springs forth from the extremely fine sense of individuality or asmita. It is I-ness itself, that is yet free from attractions, aversions, and fears.

Individuality and emerging identity: Recall that there are five colorings or kleshas, and that these emerge sequentially. First is avidya, or ignorance, and then comes I-ness, individuality or asmita. Then after there is an individuality, it starts to take on, or wrap itself in all sorts of attractions and aversions. Finally, once all of this false identity has been assumed, there is the fear of the loss of those identities. In such a way, the mind emerges out of the subtler form. The advanced yogi has mastery even over this process of mind emerging out of the root I-ness or asmita.

9 July 2013

'Der Atmende Gott' ... Breath of the Gods'

We went to watch 'Der Atmende Gott' Breath of the Gods' last night.. Sheffield Showroom are also showing the film - Thursday 1st August 6pm

I am so pleased i found someone had written about the Krishnamacharya's Life saving yoga sequence... this fascinated me.. it was not taught again after Krishnamacharya's death, though T.K Sribhashyam revealed & taught this sequence to director Jan Schmidt-Garre after years of acquaintance during the filming of 'Der atmende Gott'

"The meaning of Yoga is concentration, concentration to the extent we can go" .. Alamelu Krishnamacharya

This film has had me deep in thought all day.. & I will probably go back & watch it a 2nd time at Sheffield as I have forgotton so much already.. as Jan swept the floor at the end of the film he said something about his interpretation of Yoga & for the life of me I can't remember what it was but it made so much sense.. if you have any interest in how modern yoga originated, the creation of savant T. Krishnamacharya, i recommend you watch it too, I have always been fascinated by where Yoga comes from.. reading books or pieces on the internet can be somewhat confusing... this film also sets straight some misconceptions.. Jan gets a lovely one to one with Pattabhi Jois, there is a lovely piece with BKS Iyengar, where he talks about his time with Krishnamacharya, a small thoughtful piece with Sharath Jois as Pattabhi Jois passed while the film was being made.. listening to his children, his students.. & some of the rare footage made me smile/shed a tear or wince (a lot)

I thought it was a beautiful film, though i can appreciate it will only appeal to those who already have an interest in its subject. I thought Jan Schmidt-Garre showed Yoga is for everyone, i liked that he was just an ordinary stiff westerner..
my only suprise was just how many people didn't turn out to watch the film.. if i were a teacher I would have taken my students to watch it

& why is so little spoken about Indra Devi - Mother of Western Yoga

Krishnamacharya's Life saving yoga sequence

I am so pleased i found someone had written about this after watching the film.... 
Krishnamacharya's Life saving yoga sequence... was not taught after Krishnamacharya's death, this was taught by his son to director Jan Schmidt-Garre after years of acquaintance during the filming of 'Der atmende Gott' 


8 July 2013

Foundation 2

still one more to go.. but have passed the required hours to get the certificate =) 

AK demonstrating Neti last month