27 March 2012

what can i say, i enjoyed it, i managed to drink more fluids in the day so although i sweated more, i was hydrated, i sat in front of the mirror so i was away from the heaters, very strange to watch yourself & how you move.. slept like i'd been hit by a truck this time & i ache, i didn't last time...

Saturday we held the first day at Calow, Lynn is very Desikachar in her teaching, not for everyone, its decievingly strong although tediously slow. I had a little bit of a melt down when addressing the group at the start, i don't know if this was because the room was so big & everyone was sat in a large semicircle but the silence & being in charge just really took me by suprise the moment i thought about it, my breathing went, my words wouldn't come out & i had to sit down, this kind of ruined my day & into Sunday. Teacher Training was good, we were given our relaxation & breathing methods to teach, i have Colour & Fractional Viloma

I booked Rachel for December too

21 March 2012

Hot Yoga

I have always wanted to try Bikram, so when i found a new Hot Yoga class had come to Derbyshire, i was desperate to jump in, Colin took a little persuading, We did the 26 postures the week previously in a not quite so hot room before going to Alive where the temperature was around 40 degrees. Just sitting in the room waiting at the beginning of the class the sweat started. The standing poses were ok, though i was dripping, my heart was racing but my breathing wasn't compromised, the floor postures i started to struggle, the heat made me feel light headed, the amount of sweat i was losing was immense, my heart rate was thumping, it didn't help that i had chosen to sit in the back corner right next to one of the heaters & i'm not hydrated well at the best of times, pose 22 putting my head back in camel & i went dizzy, had to leave the room for a minute, though came back in, after completing all 26 postures, lying in Savasana, i just wanted it to be over, i wanted to get up, those 2 minutes were the longest in my life & I have never wanted a yoga class to be over that desperately, immediately after class i had a pounding headache, my entire body was flushed & i was so thirsty. Once at home, even after showering my face was still red, i was still so warm, my blood pressure around 10.30pm was the highest its ever been, 109/70 & pulse 79, (just for reference its 90/56 61 whilst i sit & type this) one very positive difference i noticed after the class was how clear my head felt, despite the headache, i could breathe through my left notril better than i have in probably 3 years, this carried over into the next morning & so did the feeling of having a higher temperature, it felt the same as those 4 days of menstruating when your body temperature rises, another negative point, during the night i woke around 2.30am & didn't get back in bed till after 4.30, its now 2 days later, all the effects of that class have left, i'm cold again & my nose although i can honestly feel an improvement i wonder how long this will last, on a positive note, i didn't ache the day after the class, usually after Ashtanga where i don't particularly sweat i ache somewhere but this felt so different, my muscles were so relaxed during the class, i usually hold tension because i am cold, as odd as it sounds i feel like a warm pair of hands are wrapped around my right thigh & right lower back, this is where my body is compromised & all my inbalance & injuries are. As much as I disliked the class after the halfway point, i say dislike, it wasn't the class/postures, it was just the effects of the intense heat/sweating/heart racing/dizzyness, i will go back again next week, maybe now i know what to expect the intense heat may not affect me as much

5 March 2012

The new Yoga centre opened in Feb & it is beautiful

& a day of Jivamukti again.. i really do love this method of yoga, more so than the Ashtanga, we need more teachers, there are only 3 Advanced in this country, doing it twice a year is just no where near enough, we don't have another now till end July 

4 March 2012

Jivamukti yesterday.. every muscle aches today, though nothing hurts, no knee pain, no hip pain
& what did i learn.. my thumbs - keep them in, chaturanga dandasana not as low & a different way of getting into sarvangasana using halasana first