31 May 2011

24 May 2011

i am questioning my ability of being a yoga teacher, i haven't come along some self discovery travelling in Tibet or found myself in India studying in one of the top yoga centres, my yoga comes from anatomy & that need to know just what is wrong with my physiology & how i can heal or at least maintain some level of balance, my mind or body is hardly ever quiet, my concentration is poor, my mind wanders, i have difficulty processing information so quickly, my left & right don't come naturally, i have to think about things, i look around at my peers, yes i have ego & i can't accept that we aren't supposed to, i wonder if i feel so inadequate why they don't, how my lack of knowledge & my desire to understand everything is my main frustration, i look at some great teachers & i could never reach that level & isn't that where we are supposed to aim

"no matter how different we appear on the surface, we all share the same life, no matter how convinced we are of our own ideas, there is always another to consider" - Donna Farhi 

this statement is so true, i have always understood there is no black & white, its all just grey.... my faith in humanity screams at me even when people are so self involved they can't see past their own ideas & i have learned to walk away, i became cynical & tired, especially with the ones i love/d the most, i now understand what people say always isn't what they mean, however trivial ....apparantly you tell people what they want to hear rather than being honest or saying nothing seems to be the obvious answer, this makes for very pointless friendships that over time suffers or comes to a natural end, so i ask.. what is the point, why do we waste precious time on people... i have just started reading Donna Farhi's books, its the first author i understand, she makes me think, this is probably where i question the promise of sincere, skillful & constant practice of yoga will give me peace, happiness & freedom & i will break through my self limiting & self immobilizing thoughts & behaviour... i already accept who i am & why i behave the way i do, life experiences make & shape us... & with every person who disappoints me, another makes me smile, even in the smallest of gestures & the balance is always restored 

...... this aside.. i do find i am very content in life at this point, maybe it is the magic of Yoga & i just can't see it yet or that all this practice makes me too tired to care about such triviality

7 May 2011

after a break from yoga for 10 days, we are back at it till August now, Yogi's seem to have August off, not quite sure why this is, i'd have thought at the warmest time of the year there is nothing better... a fair few workshops booked along with regular classes & foundation

we went to try another new teacher/class on Thursday, although she wasn't what i'd call a 'proper' teacher she was ok, she taught with her back to the class, very odd

we spent today in a workshop with Sharon in Beeley, looking at alignment, she's a fantastic teacher i just wish she was close enough to have regular classes with