30 January 2013

BWY Congress 2013

This is me for congress then 

Session D: JO MANUEL

Friday - Session A - 2.30pm - 4.00pm - Class 8
Sam Settle
Safe, Effective and Healing: the Kind of Yoga and Meditation that Works in Prison
M, Di, Q & A
After a brief introduction to the work of the Prison Phoenix Trust, a yoga and meditation session taught as if in prison will expose participants to the principles of practice and teaching that prisoners and prison officers find healing, helpful and non-threatening. The session will help you appreciate the particular and diverse needs of prisoner students; understand the difference between a prison class and gym or village hall class; and practice silent breath-based meditation.

Primary Speaker - Satish Kumar
The journey inside out
Friday 7:15pm- 8:45pm
Le, M, Q&A
All Yoga teaching and philosophy guides us towards a spiritual journey inwards; a journey of introspection and self-evaluation which peels away our many layers until we reach a point of purity, the true Self. But the journey shouldn’t end there. We exist as part of a bigger system, we are part of the Universe so we need to radiate and extend our inner health and well-being towards our external environment too. True well-being comes when we are at one with our family, society, environment and the Universe, but how do we achieve this when we are constantly comprised by our inner fears and material distractions.
Satsih will give talk and lead a meditative practice

Friday - Session B – 9.00pm - 10.00pm – Class 15
Lisa McRory
Feel Your Way
A, BR, R
A nourishing practice including quiet sitting, breath awareness and relaxation. This session will have a particular focus on the hips. You will be encouraged to ‘ease in’ to your yoga and ‘feel your way’.

Saturday  - Session C - 9.00am - 10.30am – Class 29
Thomas Mueller
Ayurvedic rhythms & routines
Di, Ph
This seminar focuses mainly on the importance of creating rhythms and routines for health maintenance and self care. You will be equipped with practical tools that can be easily incorporated in your daily life to promote healthy Yoga practices and to support you in living a life in harmony with nature.

Saturday - Session D - 11.15 – 12.45 – Class 50
Jo Manuel
Yoga for children
A, Ch, M, Pr, Di, D, Q & A
Yoga is a fantastic tool for children in the 21st century to enhance their health and wellbeing
and to allow them to grown into fully rounded adults. In this workshop we will look at the tools needed both for you as teachers and for the children including chanting, asana, meditations, pranayama and deep relaxation. Yoga helps children develop strength, flexibility and wisdom physically, emotionally, spiritually and physiologically. This workshop is suitable for yoga teachers already teaching children, school teachers and for those interested in this path.

Primary Speaker - Satish Kumar
The connectivity of wellness
Saturday 2.15pm - 3.30pm
Le, Q&A
Many people are fixated by sport and fitness as an antidote to increasing stressful lives. Whilst this is rooted in a need to be healthy and an attempt to take ownership of their well-being, it remains a somewhat egocentric outlook. True well-being, that is spiritual well- being comes from a deeper commitment not just to oneself but
to the Earth. The seeds for our spiritual renewal are at the centre of being and we can use Yoga to journey inwards to find these seeds, but then have to nurture them to spread that sense of well-being into our wider, community, society and beyond.

Saturday  - Session E - 8.15 – 9.15 – Class 59
Tarik Dervish
Yoga and Vata dosha
Session E Saturday 8.15pm-9.15pm
A, P, Mudra, Bandha. Marma points, Me, Y N
The three Ayurvedic doshas can be managed and balanced with Yoga practice. This session will look at how to balance the master dosha, Vata, responsible for most diseases. The session will start with some of the basic concepts of Ayurveda followed by Asana/ Pranayama/ Mudra/ Bandha.
There will also be some work with Marma points, Meditation and Yoga Nidra
Sunday - Session F - 9.30-11.30 – Class 81
Wendy Teasdill
Using Exercise Balls to Stimulate Pratyaksha (direct perception) of Apana in Asana
A, PR, Di, D, O, Ph.
This session utilizes small exercise balls to highlight direct perception (Pratyaksha) of Apana within Asana. By harvesting the Apana we can transform that which we unwittingly allow to drag us down into that which uplifts us. Proprioception increases as shy or lazy muscles are encouraged into pulling their weight. Through working with the balls in a wide variety of asanas - standing, supine, prone and twisted – Mula Bandha is stimulated, muscles are recalibrated and Prana is concentrated. This is a fun session with relaxation at the end.