11 March 2011

my life at the moment is simply Yoga & hounds.... i love how its changed my perspective on an awful lot in my life or maybe thats just age, i've found a couple of different workshops for us to attend over the next few months, i'm really keen to learn the differences between different styles, so we have booked on an Iyengar weekend & hope to start Ashtanga in a regular class, its so limited here, its all just Hatha teachers =/ & i also found a thursday night Tai Chi class i'd like us to start, i'm back on the vitamins/minerals, fish oil, collagen & gluco/chron i do wonder if its placebo or they do have some benefits as i do generally feel better on them than off, i don't think the deep hidden vegan within me will ever appear... though never say never....  i turn my nose up at some of the cleansing practises now but in time maybe i could bring myself to consider Kunjal (stomach wash) or Dhauti (Food Pipe Cleansing)  after all the Neti does work wonders..  

8 March 2011

i have noticed Senior Yoga teachers have the strangest feet.. we had a teacher called Richard Agar Ward at a 3 hour workshop on saturday, our first insight to the pure Iyengar style, i love new teachers, i really believe each one offers something regardless of style but the Seniors really are something to look up & inspire to... after so much Trikonasana on saturday & feet breaking.... which as soon as my extra blocks arrive i will be doing on a daily basis, toe stretchers clearly don't work, its always usefull to let a teacher know your injured, in many places for me, i learnt some really usefull techniques if they work who knows, i understand the headstand more too now...  i'm glad sunday was a day on back bending.. but i'm really looking forward to the Ros Bell workshop & yet another Iyengar full day in May..